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Victor 1570-6 Professional Heavy-Duty Commercial Printing Calculator
Product Description
Victor 1570-6 Professional Heavy-Duty Commercial Printing Calculator
Clock, Date, Big Display, Independent Memory, 4-Key Memory, Sign Change - Power Adapter Powered - 2.8" Height x 8.8" Width x 12.5" Depth - Gray, Off White - 1 Each
Features easy-to-use financial, loan and time calculations
- Calculates net present value, future value, installment loan payments, and days between dates. Plus, print an amortization schedule in just a few keystrokes.
- Fast and reliable 5.2 lines-per-second 2-color ribbon printer.
- Cost/sell/margin keys make for quick and easy profit margin calculations. Simply enter 2 variables and the third automatically appears.
- 2 independent tax keys allow the user to program 2 separate tax rates for easy computation. Enter 2 different tax rates, such as city/state, and they are added to your sales total automatically.
- Features 40 easy-to-use functions. Includes 2 independent memories, constants in multiplication and division, percentage add-on and discount, time/date, change sign key, square root function, item count, fully selectable decimal settings, date/non-add key and selectable rounding switches.
- 4-key memory for easy retrieval.
- AC powered to work anywhere.
- Uses replaceable Victor 7010 2-color printer ribbon.
Product Specifications
+/- Switch KeyYes
Additional Warranty Information3-Year Limited
Assembly RequiredNo
Backspace KeyYes
Base Number CalculationsNo
Bond CalculationsNo
Brand NameVictor
Calculator FeaturesClock Date Big Display 4-Key Memory Independent Memory Sign Change
Color FamilyGray
Complex Number CalculationsNo
Confidence Interval CalculatingNo
Country of OriginMY
Currency Exchange FunctionNo
Date CalculationsNo
Decimal FunctionNo
Depreciation CalculationsNo
Depth2-3/4 in.
Dimensions12-1/2 in. X 8-3/4 in. X 2-3/4 in.
Display AngleFixed
Display Characters Height18 mm
Display NotationNumeric
Display Type(s)Fluorescent
Double Zero KeyYes
Equation EditorNo
FeaturesTax Functions
Fraction/Decimal ConversionsNo
Fraction CalculationsNo
Global Product TypeCalculators-Printing
Grand Total KeyYes
Height12-1/2 in.
Hyperbolic FunctionsNo
Hypothesis TestingNo
Interest Rate ConversionNo
Item Count FunctionYes
Key SizeLarge
Linear RegressionNo
Loan CalculationYes
Logical (Boolean) OperationsNo
ManufacturerVictor Technology
Manufacturer Part Number15706
Manufacturer Website Addresswww.victortech.com
Marketing InformationHeavy-duty printing calculator offers a 14-digit, fluorescent display. Prints 5.0 lines per second in two colors. Features two memories and two independent tax keys. Easily calculates and prints loan calculations, amortization schedule, present/future value, and days between dates. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide hours and minutes or minutes and seconds for time billing or payroll applications. Enter two cost/sell/margin variables and the third appears. Other functions include delta percent, units price mode, grand total, sigma, change sign key, item count with averaging and square root.
Markup/Down KeyNo
Metric ConversionNo
Number of Batteries1
Number of Display Digits14
Number of Functions40
Operations/FunctionalityCost/sell/marginDelta percentUnits price modeGrand totalSigmaChange sign keyItem count with averagingSquare rootBackspace Key
Percent Add-On/DiscountNo
Percent Key(s)Yes
Polar-Rectangular ConversionNo
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Power SourceAC Adapter
Power Source(s)AC
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Print Color(s)Black Red
Print Speed5.2 lines/s
Print Speed (Lines per Second)5.2
Print TechnologyCalculator Calculator
Probability (Random Number)No
Product ColorGray Off White
Product Model1570-6
Product Name15706 Heavy-Duty Printing Calculator
Product TypePrinting Calculator
Replacement Ribbon/RollerVCT-7010
Replacement Roll PaperUNV-35720
Ribbon/Roller PrinterRibbon
Simultaneous EquationsNo
Size8 3/4 x 12 1/2
Square Root KeyNo
Tax CalculationYes
Total Recycled Content Percent0%
Trig/Log FunctionsNo
Variable RegressionNo
Weight (Approximate)4.30 lb
Width8-3/4 in.