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Sharp EL-W516TBSL Scientific Calculator, 16-Digit LCD
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Product Description
Sharp EL-W516TBSL Scientific Calculator, 16-Digit LCD
The EL-W516TB-SL model is perfect for students studying general math and science, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, biology, and chemistry. This calculator performs 640 advanced scientific, math, and statistics functions. The EL-W516TB-SL utilizes a 4-line display featuring an exponent symbol. WriteView display allows users to view their input and results as they would appear in a textbook. The home key allows users to start fresh from any screen. This calculator has eight temporary memories, three definable memories, one independent memory, and one last answer memory. This calculator also allows equation editing & playback, 1 & 2 variable statistics, normal, stat, and drill modes, seven regression types, and N-BASE calculations: HEX, BIN, DEC, OCT, PEN. Other functions include: logarithms, reciprocals, powers, roots, factorials, trigs, and hyperbolic trigs. Includes a protective hard case and operates on twin-power (solar with battery backup).
- WriteView Display.
- Large-16 digit, 4-line LCD display.
- 640 functions.
- Home key.
- 7 Modes: Normal, Stat, Drill, Complex, Matrix, List & Equation.
- 8 temporary & 3 definable memory buttons.
- Quadratic & Cubic Equation Solvers.
- 3 Variable Linear Equation Solvers.
- 1 & 2 variable statistics.
- 3-D light reflecting hard cover.
Product Specifications
+/- Switch KeyYes
Assembly RequiredNo
Backspace KeyYes
Base Number CalculationsYes
Bond CalculationsNo
Brand NameSharp
CaseHard Case
Cash Flow CalculationsNo
Complex Number CalculationsYes
Confidence Interval CalculatingNo
Country of OriginCN
Currency Exchange FunctionNo
Date CalculationsNo
Decimal FunctionYes
Depreciation CalculationsNo
Display AngleFixed
Display Characters Height4 mm
Display Characters x Display Lines16 x 4
Display NotationNumeric
Display Window Resolution96 x 32
Double Zero KeyNo
Entry LogicWriteView
Equation EditorYes
Fraction/Decimal ConversionsYes
Fraction CalculationsYes
Global Product TypeScientific Calculators
Grand Total KeyNo
Higher Mathematical FunctionsComplex Drill Equation List Matrix Normal Statistics
Hyperbolic FunctionsYes
Hypothesis TestingNo
I/O PortNo
Interest Rate ConversionNo
Item Count FunctionNo
Levels of ParenthesesUnlimited
Linear RegressionYes
Loan CalculationNo
Logical (Boolean) OperationsYes
Markup/Down KeyNo
Metric ConversionYes
Number of Display Digits16
Percent Add-On/DiscountNo
Percent Key(s)Yes
Polar-Rectangular ConversionYes
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Power Source(s)Battery Solar
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Probability (Random Number)Yes
Replacement BatteriesLR44
Simultaneous EquationsYes
Size3.1 x 6.6
Square Root KeyYes
Tax CalculationNo
Total Recycled Content Percent0%
Trig/Log FunctionsYes
Variable RegressionYes