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Adams General Power of Attorney Forms Kit
Product Description
Adams General Power of Attorney Forms Kit
Legal Form - 1 - PC, Mac - Forms and Instructions
The Durable Power of Attorney appoints someone to handle your finances if you are absent or incapacitated. Easy-to-use kit includes four power of attorney forms and step-by-step instructions. Contents have been reviewed and approved by attorneys and industry experts. Forms are printed in English on 24 lb. paper.
- Helps by giving the person of your choice the legal authority to handle your everyday finances
- Includes necessary forms, instructions and information
- Includes Major Gifts Rider
- Easy to understand - no "legalese"
- Contents reviewed and approved by attorneys
Product Specifications
Assembly RequiredNo
Brand NameAdams
Copy TypesOne-Part (No Copies)
Country of OriginUnited States
Disclaimer StatementIntended solely for use in the United States of America—review these forms carefully to ensure they meet your state's associated requirements.
FeaturesReal estate and personal property transactions Business operations Insurance Stocks and Bonds Estates and trusts Commodities Social Security benefits Banking Tax matters Any other financial decisions you wish to include
Form Size8.5 x 11 8.5 x 11
Forms Per Page1
Global Product TypeLiving Will & Power of Attorney Forms
ManufacturerSocrates Media, LLC
Manufacturer Part NumberLF205
Manufacturer Website Addresswww.socrates.com
Marketing InformationWith this up-to-date, customizable General Power of Attorney form, you can protect yourself and your family by giving the person of your choice the legal authority to handle your everyday finances and responsibilities if something happens to you.
Operating System SupportedMac OS
Paper Color(s)White
Paper Stock24 lb Bond
Platform SupportedPC Mac
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Principal Heading(s)Durable Power of Attorney Revocation of Power of Attorney
Print and Ruling Color(s)Black
Printer CompatibilityInkjet Laser Inkjet Laser
Product NameGeneral Power of Attorney Forms Kit
Product TypeSoftware
Sheet Size8.5 x 11
Software Main TypeReference
Software NameDurable Power of Attorney Forms
Software Sub TypeLegal Form
System RequirementsPDF reader
Total Recycled Content Percent0%