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Crafter's Cut Mosaic Tiles .5lb
Assorted Sparkle
Product Description
Crafter's Cut Mosaic Tiles .5lb
Assorted Sparkle
MOSAIC MERCANTILE-Crafter's Cut Mosaic Tiles. Mosaic Mercantile produces a wide spectrum of authentic mosaic tile, tools, kits, adhesives, and grouts. These Crafter's Cut tiles are perfect for mosaic crafters and experienced mosaic artists alike. The pre-cut glass tiles are designed for easy application and do not require any nipping. With a wide variety of colors and styles to choose from, they may be used in infinite combinations on nearly any reasonably smooth surface. This package contains 1/2 pound of pre-cut glass mosaic tiles. WARNING-Skin cuts, lacerations, and eye injury are possible from broken tiles or tile shards. Conforms to ASTM D4236. Made in USA.
Product Specifications
Brand NameDiamond Tech Crafts